Seven easy tips toward better health!

Your body is designed to self-heal; if you get a cut and you take care of it, the cut heals. Believing in the intelligent design of your body is a crucial step to better health. Your mind rules your brain, and your brain rules your body. Knowing that your body can self-heal when given the proper support is a crucial step to better health. It starts with a vision of the health that you want, then believe it is possible, and think about the vision often. 
 Drink plenty of clean water every day, your organs, including your brain, your cells and tissue all depend on water to operate at peak performance.
 Aim for half of your body weight in ounces. 
For example, if you weigh 160 pounds you want to drink around 80 ounces a day. 
Try to drink your water away from your meals, this will help keep your stomach acid strong. Stop drinking 1/2 an hour before a meal and wait 2 hours after a meal to drink again. First thing in the morning start with a large glass of water add a drop of lemon essential oil to help the detox process. 



Our bodies are designed to move, and our brains rely on movement to stay healthy. Movement keeps the muscles strong, and the joints lubricated and moving freely; if you don’t use it, you will lose it.  S
tart where you are and add small improvements each day. Walking is a great way to get started. Three ten-minute minute walks a day, or if you cannot walk chair yoga is another good starting point. 
Emotional health
 What you think about affects your body, you can create a stress response and cause havoc in your body or you can choose calming thoughts that can bring healing. These are the only two choices, we are always in the sympathetic nervous system; freeze, flight or fight or the parasympathetic nervous system; rest and digest. 
We have over 70,000 thoughts a day what types of thoughts do you allow to reside your mind? The more time we spend in parasympathetic, the more healing is available. 
Eliminate toxins

We cannot control all the toxins we are exposed to in our current world, which is about 200,000 a day, but we can control what we have in our homes. 
Decide today to create a toxin free home for you and your family. Young living has everything you need to provide healthy options for your family. 
Organic foods

Everything thing we put into our bodies is processed by the liver, if you are overweight you are probably dealing with a fatty liver. Conventionally grown foods are full of pesticides and toxins. If it kills the bugs that eat the plants it will take extra work for your body to process. This is one of the reasons it is stored as fat; to protect you!
Clean up your groceries today, start with the dirty dozen and purchase these organic, then add grass fed, free range, beef and chicken. Your health is worth it. 


Your body generates new cells every day, these cells are made from what we consume; making good food choices sometimes is not enough, as our current soil is depleted of crucial nutrients.
High quality supplements can aid the rebuilding process. Start with NingXia Red the absolute best anti-oxidant drink on the market. 
Information courtesy of Nancy Wimmer

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