I always believed that as we age our bodily functions would diminish. Growing old meant sore joints and weak muscles. I have recently learned that this is a fallacy, we are as strong as we believe we are. While I have a lot of deep seated beliefs that I need to change, I have a renewed hope for my future, that I can age gracefully and strong. It is possible to leave this earth with my mind intact and my body strong.
It starts with the mind, with our thoughts. We have around 60,000 thoughts a day and many of them are the same defeatist ones over and over. We were created with a prefrontal cortex in our physical brain that allows us to choose our thoughts. This is where we have the ability to change. When I get up out of a chair I have the ability to think, oh my aching knees or I am strong. Little switches like that throughout the day will have an impact on my life. Dr Caroline Leaf says that it takes 63 days to change the neurons in the brain, so it will take some time and commitment to make all the changes we may want to make.
There are three ways to reinforce this process, first it starts with choosing to think about the abundant thought. Then speaking the new truth out loud will strengthen it in your mind. As we hear it from our own voice it becomes easier to believe. The next way is to write it out, this involves the hand, the eyes and the brain, reinforcing it even further, maybe this is why journaling is such a powerful practice.
We are going to grow older but we can grow healthier and stronger in the process.
The Abundance Challenge is a great way to take the next step.