We live in an age where Dementia and Alzheimer’s are continually on the rise. While there are many different theories of what has contributed to this epidemic, Let's talk about two of them in this blog; mindset and fats.
We must always remember that our minds tell our physical brains what to do and our brains tell our bodies what to do. Self-talk is critical to our physical health; Dr Caroline Leaf has research that shows that if you worry or fret about getting Alzheimer’s you are more than 70 % more likely to get it. This perfectly aligns with the quantum physics theory that we attract what we think about. The bible tells us not to worry about anything but to pray about everything and gives thanks. We must thank God for our healthy minds instead of worrying about losing them. Our minds have a great influence on our future and as we live moment by moment with an attitude of gratitude we can prosper.
The latest research shows that our brains need good healthy fat to stay healthy; we know that every cell in our body is constantly renewing and what we consume and allow ourselves to be exposed to will have a direct influence on the new cells.
I grew up when the experts were telling us that fat is bad; avoid it at all costs so I did! Well this did not work out well for me and for many others. About three years ago I was struggling to find the right words when I was speaking and constantly forgetting things. Enter Young Living, I stumbled across the product Mindwise and decided to give it a try. It made a world of difference in my physical brain and my daily life! All fats are not created equal so we need to be selective about which fats we are consuming. Like all Young Living products, Mindwise is made with only natural organic ingredients. If you want to boost your brain health as well as your cardiovascular health, give this awesome product a try. Your mind will thank you!
Happy Oiling,