Welcome to my three part series on trauma.
First we will identify trauma, then understand how unresolved trauma can become physical symptoms and then look at some ways to resolve trauma and relieve the physical symptoms.
Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, or a physical injury, but what is distressing or disturbing to me is different than what is upsetting to you and it goes even deeper than that, you and I do not decide what trauma is; our bodies make that decision. Our subconscious minds, the program that runs on autopilot, the one that manages our bodies, that is where the decision is made. And that is why our physical ailments can be traced back to an event that occurred in our lives or even while we were in our mother’s womb. Once we recognize and understand this we can choose to allow our bodies to receive the healing.
We all have trauma, how and when we deal with it determines how our physical bodies will be affected. If we ignore it as I was taught, then it becomes deep seated and it will take longer to heal once we do recognize it! Many of us were also taught to deny it, to pretend it doesn't even exist, this can be even harder to admit and heal. We need to feel it in order to heal it!
Trauma can be categorized but we need to remember that each of our bodies is what actually decides what trauma is to us. Each one of us is on our own journey with our unique experiences.
We have the big T traumas like natural disasters, robbery, rape, serious accidents, death of a loved on, divorce things like this. Then there are the smaller t trauma’s like loss, stress at work, illness, getting stung by a bee, or finding a spider in your bed with you!
Anything that triggers the sympathetic nervous system, the freeze, flight or fight response in your body is trauma.
Let’s all stay healthy and enjoy this wonderful season, here are some tips and tricks to help you with your goal. Today I will touch on each topic. Be sure to follow me for more blogs with details on how to implement each topic.
This time of year many people become ill, they even call it a season but really viruses are everywhere, we are in daily contact with them all year long. Your immune system is always working to keep you healthy and strong. Unfortunately it can become overworked and this can result in you being less than your best or even illness for you.
Several things can contribute to weakening your immune system: stress, overeating, undernutrition, lack of exercise and lack of sleep are just a few. It can be helpful to identify the cause so implementing the solution will become fun and easy. Take stock of your current routine and figure out where you need to start, as we are all on a unique journey.
Stress is a part of life and without it we would not have any motivation to do anything, it is when it is out of control that it takes a toll on our bodies. If we support our bodies, they will take care of us. The following topics can all contribute to unneeded stress.
We need to stay properly hydrated for our body to function at its best, review your daily intake. Is it more coffee and energy drinks or is water the top of the list as it should be? One half of an ounce for every pound of body weight is a good goal. One hundred and eighty pounds? You want ninety ounces of water each day.
There are so many opportunities to over eat this time of year, if your body does not have enough time to digest your intake, your system will become backed up and you will use energy to digest this excess food that should be boosting your immune system.
Choose to fast for twelve hours each day and reduce snacking throughout the day. Aim for three meals in a twelve hour period.
Even if you make wise choices about what you consume, today's food often lacks the nutrition of years past. Pesticides and other chemicals have contributed to a lack of microbiome in our soil which creates a lower nutrition content in the food. Choose organic food whenever possible and high quality supplements may be needed to keep your body in top form.
Lack of exercise
Our bodies were created to move, movement keeps the muscles, ligaments and joints healthy and strong. Be honest with yourself about your activity level and increase it slowly, allowing your body to adapt to small changes .
Lack of quality sleep
Lying in bed for eight hours is not the same as a good night's sleep, our bodies do the majority of repair while we are sleeping, so you want this to be a priority for your wellness. What time do you go to bed, how many times do you wake up?
Your body is amazing and was designed to keep you healthy and strong. If you treat it well it will serve you well for many years. Be sure to follow me for helpful details on how to accomplish your wellness goals.