How to enjoy the season without all the sneezing

How to enjoy the season without all the sneezing

Spring is in the air, pollen is everywhere! I remember some days I wanted to just stop breathing. I was so miserable.  Stuffy nose, red eyes, coughing and sneezing, trying every different thing the drugstore had to offer. Thank God those days are behind me! 

Pollen allergy is an allergy to the tiny particles released by trees, grasses and weeds. Pollen grains float through the air on their way to fertilize plants and trees and flowers, pollen particles often end up in our noses, eyes, ears and mouths, causing allergy symptoms. Trees are the first plants to begin their mating process releasing their pollen in late winter and early spring. Trees are followed by grasses in late spring and summer. Ragweed season is summer and fall.  

I always had symptoms in the spring and fall and I would make regular trips to the drugstore and have to budget in the extra money for products that never fixed the problem but only masked the symptoms while giving me unwanted side effects! This process did not end well. At least once a year I would end up in the doctor’s office and leave with a prescription for antibiotics! 


Six years ago I attended a class for essential oils and I purchased a starter kit, then six weeks later when I was having a coughing fit late at night I called up my daughter and asked her what were the oils they talked about for reducing allergy symptoms? I mixed up a bottle of the 3 oils and I have never had to use an over the counter product again! 

Today I can recognize if something is starting and use a few drops of oils to prevent anything from settling in! I understand how feeling healthy really feels and my immune system is not working overtime anymore! 

If you want to learn more join my online class Thursday, May 20th at 7 pm CT

Enjoy where you are or make the change!

Enjoy where you are or make the change!
Happy March! 

Spring arrives in a few days, it has always been my favorite season; to me it represents hope and new beginnings, anything and everything is possible in spring!  I love spring and I hope you do also!

I am creating a new life for myself and I am excited to see new places and try new things. For 62 years I lived in Wisconsin and endured the winter months. It still feels somewhat surreal to me, for twenty years I had dreamed of retiring in Arizona, but I knew I never wanted to live far from my daughter and grandchildren; I have five beautiful, smart and amazing grandchildren. When my daughter and her family decided to try life on the road, I made the scary decision to retire early and move to Arizona! 

Currently, I am sharing a house with my daughter and her family; I am thrilled to be a part of their daily lives! The change from living with my sister who I only saw on weekends to a household of eight was a bit of an adjustment for me but everything is working out well!
It was months of hard physical work, packing, selling and donating my things and it was emotionally draining, but I managed to make the move across the country! Lots of oils, prayers and the support of family and friends made it happen!

It was a big, scary thing that I did and many times during the process I thought to myself what am I doing? I grew up in an environment that discouraged dreaming, so the mindset change was challenging for me but I did it, if I did it, you can also!

Are you ready to dream but not sure you deserve it, not sure you can do it? 

Join me for tips and tricks to change your life! Find your dream and make it a reality! 

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