The wonders of water for your brain

The wonders of water for your brain

Have you ever been dehydrated? I bet most of us have been to some degree at some time in our lives . Over seventy percent of our bodies are composed of water and every body function is dependent on water. I can feel tingling in my lips and stiffness in my big toe when my water consumption  is too low

We lose on average 80 ounces of water through everyday functions like breathing, sweating and eliminating waste, yet the average person in the US drinks less than a quart a day. That is creating a deficiency which can cause problems with focus, memory, brain fatigue, brain fog as well headaches, sleep issues, anger, depression and many more.

The brain is very dependent on water. Water gives the brain the  electrical energy needed for all functions as well as proper hormone and neurotransmitter production. We want to drink water throughout the day because the brain does not have any way to store water.

If you are properly hydrated

 1. Your brain will work faster, try to drink a glass when you first get up.

2. Your concentration will increase, aim for some water every 45 minutes to stay focused.

3. Your memory will improve, as even slight dehydration will cause homeostatic imbalances

4. Your mood and emotions will balance out as water will help regulate stress and anxiety

5. It will help you sleep better but, this is only if you drink your water throughout the day and not all at night.

Every person is different for their water needs but here is a simple formula for creating a personal target. Take your body weight divide it in half and that is the amount of ounces you can set as your goal.

 For example if you weigh 180 pounds you would aim to drink 90 ounces each day.

Here are some ways I add variety to my water consumption throughout the day. 

  1. Swap out your morning coffee for hot water with a drop of lemon vitality oil.

  2. Add YL vital drops to your mid-day water. Two great flavors to choose from

  3. Make a cup of Thieves tea after work.

  4.  Make a ‘Red Drink’ this special drink counts as water but has a healthy kick. Learn more here


Exercise for your brain

Exercise for your brain

A few years ago I noticed that I was forgetting  more things than in the past so I started looking for ways to support my brain to keep it strong and healthy. Exercise is one way to do this. 

We have all heard about how important exercise is for the body and overall health so I would like to highlight some points on how it affects the brain. 

One of the ways exercise helps the brain is that it can improve the quality of your sleep. Exercising early in the day can produce deeper sleep, and deeper sleep is more healing for brain function. We need to get to stage 3 sleep for the cleaning and healing to begin. 

Another way exercise improves brain function is  through neuroplasticity, which allows the brain to form new connections and adapt to life's changes. Exercise also improves the blood flow and this improves the clarity of our thoughts.

 It will also release endorphins which can help you focus on the positive things in your life which will improve your overall mindset as well as mood. 

Aerobic exercise seems to produce the best results for these brain improvements. This can be as simple as walking, or as intense as HIIT training  (High Intensity Interval Training.) HIIT is pushing yourself for 30 seconds and then recovering,  then repeat for up to 15 minutes 

 Always remember to start where you  are and make small daily improvements. Overdoing it can cause injury and setbacks so don’t push too hard just decide to develop a habit. 

Rewarding yourself for what you did today will help you to repeat the action tomorrow, the reward can be as simple as an affirmation or a healthy treat. 

Need a boost to get started? Grab your peppermint oil, add a drop to your hands and then inhale deeply a few times.

If you don’t have oils yet, we can help you get the best quality oils delivered right to your door. 

In the comments tell us  your favorite way to exercise!

 Mine is swimming, Arizona here I come! 

Have a great day

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