Watch your attitude

Watch your attitude

I  want to talk a bit about about attitude or mindset. First let’s clarify the difference between the brain and your mind. 

The brain is an organ similar to your heart or liver, it runs your central nervous system and its job is to keep you alive and safe, it runs automatically. 

Your mind is the part of you that is aware of thoughts, feelings, imagination and perception. You have the ability to control your mind. A thought will pop in but it is your choice to dwell on it or change it. 

Thoughts pop in or things happen and our subconscious that runs automatically, will kick in, but we have the ability to override how we react or what we think. 

Our minds control our brains, and our brains control our bodies,  so it is very important to have a good attitude. One of my all time favorite quotes is from Joyce Meyer, "You can be powerful or you can be pitiful but you can not be both." 

It is in our control what we focus on, what we think about, and what we think about or believe affects our daily lives. If we tell ourselves  and believe that we are healthy our brains will take this belief into its daily functions and the body will react accordingly. 

If we continually tell ourselves that we are sick and unhealthy our bodies will adapt to meet that thought pattern we are sending it.  

Our attitude or mindset is in our control but we must choose to be proactive or it will default based on our past experiences. This is why prayer and meditation are powerful tools for creating a healthy lifestyle. 

Prayer, meditation, and Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT)  are just a few of the ways we can improve our mindset.  

Let me know in the comments what your favorite way is! 

Take action to change your life

Take action to change your life
Did you take some time to dream? Were you able to relax enough to really feel it? The happiness, the excitement that is the vibration we need to create our ideal future. Everything is energy, everything and everyone operates at a frequency. Just like when you tune into different radio stations we operate at a specific  frequency throughout the day. The majority of people just wake up and start the day in the same vibration from the day before, having a predictable future based on their familiar past.

Unfortunately, for us it is much easier to stay with the familiar, our brain has the job of keeping us safe, and so it naturally leads us to keep the status quo. It prompts us to make decisions and take action based on our past experiences and our thoughts. This is what keeps us stuck not moving forward making the changes we truly desire. We need to use our mind to change the way we think, which will then change the brain and eventually change your life. 

We need to take specific action to change this pattern if we want to change our lives. Prayer, mediation, journaling, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-hypnosis, aroma freedom technique, are just a few of the many different actions we can take to move the needle on our vibration and improve our lives. 

After prayer,  which is definitely my favorite, my next favorite is Aroma Freedom Technique, this process uses twelve steps to walk you through self discovery of what is holding you back from achieving your dreams. We all have a past and sometimes things have happened to us  and they were not dealt with properly,  this can  stop us from being able to move forward with purpose.  

AFT incorporates essential oils to help rewrite our DNA so change can happen quickly.  It also has a follow up plan to strengthen the new pathway so the changes stay with us! Contact me for more information on this awesome process. 

Find out what process works for you, and incorporate it into your routine. We need to proactively create our ideal future! 

Only YOU can do it and YES you can, it is possible to break the pattern and create a new one! 

Grab a free assessment to see where you are at with the key areas of your life! 

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