Your dreamlife

Your dreamlife
 Do you know what your dream is or are you like me struggling to define it? What really makes you happy? If you are like most people it is helping someone, we are created for unity and connection. When we are able to serve someone in some capacity we feel happiness, a spark, a deeper connection.

We were created to operate in unity, kindness and love; when we are operating at our best we feel our best and others around us feel that energy and it boosts their energy field. We are all connected and sharing or serving expands these connections making everyone happier.

When you read a book to a child, help your elderly parents with yard work, or bring dinner to a friend who is hurting, whatever the task, it brings joy to the giver as well as the receiver.

Do a random act of kindness for someone today, send a smile to everyone you meet today! They can see it in your eyes. Let’s share love so the world around us has more love!

Tonight before you go to bed stop and think about how it felt when you served.  Take another minute to think about of what you can share tomorrow. Together one day at a time we can help each our to live our best lives and improve our world!

What act of service did you do or are planning to do ? Share the idea in the comments so we can all benefit!

My perfect day

My perfect day
To be honest I am still not clear about what my perfect day would look like. I was raised to work hard and day dreaming was discouraged, so knowing the real me has been a struggle.

The God of the universe loves us and wants abundance for each of us. I know that we are created to thrive not just survive. Abundance looks different for each of us, and many times it will include hard lessons, while these lessons can either make or break us, but they are there for our growth to help us get ready for the next level.

I have spent my life working hard and I am very grateful that I have a good life, my health, a steady job, an awesome daughter, a talented son in law, the most beautiful grandchildren, wonderful family and friends.

Why would I want more? Because more is out there just waiting for me to be brave enough to go after it!  

Guess what! More is out there for you also! Let’s go after it together!

Have a wonderful perfect day!

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