We need to have a vision for our lives to make the changes we want. Where do you see yourself at the end of this decade? Where do you see yourself on December 31st 2020? What will be different from where you are today? Why do you want it to be different?
Your why is important to keep you going when times get tough, and if you are not having tough times your goal may not be big enough. We were designed to be continually growing and changing.
I see myself as fit and healthy, financially free and my home neat and tidy. I do wish I could just sit and visualize it and it would magically happen, but seeing it or dreaming about it is only the first step, we must have specific goals and actions steps.
Write down specific, measurable and time sensitive goals, and understand your why behind each goal. Next step is to write out the action steps needed to reach those goals.
As you reflect on this past year, this past decade what was good? What needs to change?
This past year I learned about the work that Dr Leaf is doing and it was life changing for me. Combining her techniques with my essential oils has healed many broken emotions in me, and has set me on a course to continually improve my life spending only minutes a day.
John 10:10 states that Jesus came so we can have an abundant life. Our facebook group Lagom Life Community is hosting an abundance challenge for the month of January. Please join us and get started on a decade of abundance.
With love to you,
A healthy Nana
Why is it that what rolls around in my head is different from what you think about? We can describe this as a mindset, and one way to define mindset is memories that we rehearse. There are many catch phrases that I never understood until recently.
If you conceive it, you can achieve it.
Thoughts are things.
Think about, bring about.
We have the power to choose what we think about and what we think about becomes part of our mindsets. Shortly after I woke up today I realized that I had Santa Claus is coming to town playing in my head. I made a conscious decision to think of something else, and yes I had to do it several times to make the change stick, but what kind of day could I expect if I am focusing on Santa Claus in the background? LOL
In II Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 it tells us to take every thought captive; I never understood the science behind why we need to do this until this past year. What we think about becomes part of our subconscious and the subconscious is 90- 99% of who we are. One of my goals for 2020 is to become all that God wants me to be and in order to do that, my thoughts and my mindsets need to be grounded in him.
As I go about my day I will diffuse frankincense to help me stay grounded.
What will you choose to think about today? What are you diffusing?
With Love to you,
A Healthy Nana