Five tips to reduce stress and feel healthier
Today’s world has created an overload of stress for many people. We all have stress in our lives as it is a natural part of living and it can be good for us as it will push us to improve.   When we have excessive stress levels it can cause dis-ease in our bodies.
For me,  when I was at my highest stress level,  that was when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was working full time and just finishing massage school, getting ready to take the national board exam, when I went for my annual physical and tada... DCIS. Excessive stress can take a huge toll on our bodies and I was no exception. Today I am healthy and much wiser and I want my friends and family to be healthy also. My journey from dis-ease to health is still ongoing but I am happy to report that I am 62 years old and not taking any prescription drugs. I have learned a lot in the past decade and I love to share and help others on their journey.
I recently shared a post of five tips to reduce stress and want to dive a little deeper into each one!

Stop listening to the news.
 Main stream media is designed to excite and stress us, so most of what they report is sensational and since today they are owned by the same groups all the news is skewed to send a message of fear. Technology as it is today, we can easily get real news from other sources or just browse to headlines to stay informed. We don’t need to hear the same stories over and over especially if they are tinted by an underlying goal of sensationalism.

When we consume bad news constantly it affects our brains and our emotions. We are designed to live in a healing mode. The parasympathetic nervous system is where we want to spend most of our time. This is the rest and digest or the healing system of our bodies. Bombarding ourselves with bad news keeps us in the sympathetic nervous system, the freeze, and flight or fright system. Our bodies are trying to survive and not healing.

I gave up watching the news over a decade ago because I realized it was creating in me fear about situations that I had no control or influence over.  I stay informed about events but do not let them consume my emotions. I am much happier and healthier! 
Come back tomorrow as I dive into the benefits of journaling. 



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