At one time in our history science and spirituality were one. Today we have pitted them against each other, but that is not the truth that is just our human choice to divide. Everything and everyone has a vibration and frequency and  the law of attraction works by matching the vibrations. 

Matthew 7:8 For everyone who asks receives, the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. 

 'For everyone who asks receives'

What a promise, why then do we often see prayers go unanswered?  The word says everyone who asks receives. Enter the truth of quantum physics, the change is in the feeling, the vibration, the frequency. We really do receive what we are asking for but often we are so separated from our feelings, our inner connection to God that we are not aware of what we are really asking for. We use our words to ask but our feeling, our vibration is in contradiction to our words, then nothing is able to change. 

'The one who seeks finds'

Seek is a verb,  an action word, the attempt to find. We can choose to take action. Listen to your words, are they lining up with your heart, your inner connection? What do you believe? Take time to notice what you are feeling and use your faith to create your alignment. Once your asking is in alignment with your finding things can change. 

'To the one who knocks the door will be opened.'

 When we knock on a door we expect someone to answer. Expectation is the key here, we need to believe that the answer is behind the door, that when we walk through the door we have what we asked for. 

Take some time today to connect, to align, make sure your words are lining up with your belief then step out with expectation and receive. 


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